El planeta Cuba y su imposible desarrollo sostenible

  1. Joan del Alcàzar
  2. Indira Betancourt
Encrucijada Americana

ISSN: 0718-5766

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 10

Issue: 2

Pages: 76-99

Type: Article

More publications in: Encrucijada Americana


Cuba, more than an island is a different planet and distant from the others, something that incomprehensibly comes to applaud from some political and academic instances. Surprisingly, the panegyrists of the Castro regime, which since the disappearance of the USSR does not adequately address the basic needs of its citizens, applaud when it refuses to introduce changes of significance in its conception of the country, and opposes, for example, to grant autonomy to the local entities that, propitiating a sustainable development, could effectively alleviate the serious deficiencies of all kinds suffered by Cubans. From the CPC, the discourse refers to promoting local development, while insisting on inhibiting any type of real decentralization. Since 1959, the regime confuses information with propaganda, and prevents any economic and social initiative that does not take into account the blessing of the CPC. Of course, in its resolutions, it declares itself to be a strong supporter of local development, although in its same documents we find the contradictions that, in the concrete, will impede progress along that path. We will see if the generation of the grandchildren of the revolution continues to accept this logic of the system for a long time.

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