Participación social y satisfacción vitaldiferencias entre mujeres y hombres mayores
- Pinazo-Hernandis, S 1
- Torregrosa-Ruiz, M 1
- Jimenez-Marti, M 1
- Blanco-Molina, M 2
Universitat de València
Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
ISSN: 2386-2300, 0214-6118
Année de publication: 2019
Volumen: 7
Número: 1
Pages: 202-234
Type: Article
D'autres publications dans: Revista de psicología de la salud
Theoretical Framework: The social participation of the elderly contributes to their quality of life and encourages active and healthy aging. The present study investigates whether there are differences by sex in social participation, as well as in the association between social participation and satisfaction with life. Methods: A cross-sectional survey design has been used. The sample was constituted by people older than 55 or older, students University of Seniors, University of Valencia (N = 652). The data were collected through a questionnaire with data on socio-demographic variables, indicators of social participation and the Temporary Satisfaction with Life Scale. Descriptive statistics, t test, MANOVA and correlation analisys were performed. Results: Differences were found in social participation at the global level and in the different modalities of social participation. Women participate more at a general level and also participate more in informal care while men participate more in sports activities. The relationships between variables suggest that there are positive relationships between social participation and life satisfaction in general, although these relationships differ only between the sexes in sports activities and, for women, physical activity is significantly related to greater satisfaction and future well-being. Conclusions: A stereotyped pattern is observed in relation to the type and places where the activities are carried out: care and home are specially relevant for women, while physical activity and public places are more important for men
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