Del origen del vampiro a un vampiro entre emigrantes en Die Wahrheit über Vampire und knoblauch de Rafik Schami

  1. Calero, Ana R.
Nueva Revista del Pacífico

ISSN: 0716-6346 0719-5176

Année de publication: 2015

Titre de la publication: Nueva Revista del Pacífico

Número: 63

Pages: 7-22

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Nueva Revista del Pacífico


The aim of this essay is to analyze the vampire in Rafik Schami’s Die Wahrheit über Vampire und Knoblauch. After presenting the first documents about vampires written in German it will contextualize the author and his work –and its representation in different cultural discourses- , trying to answer the following questions: Why does Schami choose the vampire for his story? What sources and narrative strategies does the author use? What are the characteristics and what is the function of Schami’s vampire? Keywords: Vampire, Rafik Schami, Germany, migration

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