Sistema térmico para la desinfección de lentes de contacto

  1. Lopez Alemany, A.
  2. Presencia Redal, A.
  3. Claramonte Meseguer, PJ.
Revista española de contactología

ISSN: 1989-7111

Ano de publicación: 1994

Volume: 4

Número: 2

Páxinas: 129-133

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Revista española de contactología


Ocular infections can be a complication in the wearing of contact lenses. The non-accomplishment of the norms of use and maintenance of the contact lenese is a factor that, among others, favours the appearance of this complication. In this study we value the disinfection system by means of the heat, regarding it a very important element with in the maintenance of contact lenses, for the prevention of such ocular infections. Therefore, we carried out an experiment in vitro of the thermal system for soft contact lenses in contact with type germs, bacteria, yeast and fungus.