Envejecimiento exitoso en nonagenarios y centenarios valencianosestudio de los centenarios en valencia
- Victoria Córdoba 1
- Sacramento Pinazo-Hernandis 1
- José Viña 2
- 1 Departamento de Psicología Social. Facultad de Psicología. Universitat de València
- 2 Departamento de Fisiología. Facultad de Medicina. Universitat de València
ISSN: 1889-6111, 2660-4264
Año de publicación: 2018
Número: 10
Páginas: 33-55
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Therapeía: estudios y propuestas en ciencias de la salud
People are increasingly facing up to old age in a positive way as a result of genetic factors, appropriate behaviours and lifestyles and a supportive social and family environment. Life expectancy and the number of people reaching their 90s and 100s with a successful old age in Spain are increasing. 12,880 centenarians currently live in Spain. In Valencia, there are 222 people over 100 and 1295 over 90. Method: Descriptive transversal study. Profile data of extreme longevity are presented, describing sociodemographic features, lifestyles, physical, functional and mental health and rates of social engagement. Sample: From an initial sample of 552 Valencian people, 68 were interviewed without cognitive decline (N = 68, M = 96, DT = 3.93): 44.1 % were centenarians (97-105); 69.1 % women; 83.8 % widowers; 48.5 % living at home; 33.8 % in a retirement home and 17.6 % with their children or other family. Their social network was extensive (88.2 % with children or grandchildren) and 77.9 % with long-lived family members. Results: Reported physical health was good for 74.5 %; 84.8 % had very good mental health; 54.5 % were independent in almost all activities of daily living (ADL); 87.2 % had no health problems in the last month and their physical health posed no difficulties; 63.8 % had very little/no pain in the last month. Their lifestyles were healthy with 33.3 % doing regular physical exercise and 89.4 % eating a Mediterranean diet. Half (56.1 %) were participating weekly in some activity, with most of them (76.6 %) reporting a high degree of satisfaction with their leisure activities. Conclusions: Successful ageing in people over 90 years is characterised by good physical and mental health, a good family and social supporting network, history of long-lived family members, healthy lifestyles and participation in diverse activities.
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