Deterioro de la salud mental asociada a la violencia de pareja: diferente impacto en la psicopatología de las mujeres

  1. Mª Francisca Savall Rodríguez
  2. Concepción Blasco Ros
  3. Manuela Martínez Ortíz
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Any de publicació: 2017

Número: 114

Pàgines: 15-26

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.14635/IPSIC.2017.114.3 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

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In general, the studies carried out on victims of intimate partner violence (IPV) have focused on research the impact of that violence on the abused women’s health, in particular, on their mental health, concluding that abused women are much more likely than nonvictims to have poor health. Therefore, the psychological damage has been used as a severity measure of the violence suffered. The main purpose of this work was determined if women experienced different degrees of mental health impairment according to the type of violence suffered. The cross-sectional study followed 108 victims of IPV distributed into three groups: women without symptoms (n=30), women suffering depression (n=50) and women suffering depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (n=28). The statistical analysis carried out determined the development of depression, depression/PTSD or not suffering any evidence of these symptoms are not associated with the type of violence (physical, psychological and/or sexual) providing non-significant statistical data. These results showcase abused women are not a homogeneous group, pointing out a deterioration of abused women's mental health should not be used as a variable which determine the severity of the violence suffered.

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