El método del caso como herramienta para la docencia y el aprendizaje en ingeniería de sistemas de producción ganadera

  1. Maroto Molina, Francisco
  2. Gómez Cabrera, Augusto
  3. Garrido Varo, Ana
  4. Pérez Marín, Dolores C.
  5. De Pedro Sanz, Emiliano J.
Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes

ISSN: 2531-1336

Argitalpen urtea: 2017

Alea: 1

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 45-50

Mota: Artikulua

DOI: 10.21071/RIPADOC.V1I0.9611 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openSarbide irekia editor

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Revista de innovación y buenas prácticas docentes


This paper describes an experience in the use of the teaching and learning tool known as Case Method in a Master Program in Agricultural Engineering of the University of Cordoba. The students of the course “Livestock Farming Systems: Case Studies” have been faced to a real problem consisting of the need of reengineering solutions for several facilities of a beef feedlot. The resolution of the case required from students the compilation and integration of some knowledge and skills acquired in their Undergraduate studies, as well as an effort of critical thinking and ingenuity. The results of the experience were positive in terms of promoting collaborative work, critical thinking and an active participation of the students in course activities, but some difficulties arose in the practical implementation of this teaching and learning methodology. We conclude that the Case Method is an excellent tool for Master studies and its use should be encouraged in other courses of the Master Program in Agricultural Engineering.