¿Por qué ha sobrevivido Caixa Ontinyent?un análisis de su modelo de negocio y estrategia

  1. Jose Pla-Barber
  2. Cristina Villar
  3. Ana Botella
Universia Business Review

ISSN: 1698-5117

Year of publication: 2017

Issue: 54

Pages: 18-69

Type: Article

More publications in: Universia Business Review


In this article we analyse the key success factors of Caixa Ontinyent, one of the two savings banks which, by being loyal to the founding principles of this banking model, has survived the restructuring of the sector as an independent entity. Drawing on an inductive methodology we extract the dimensions defining both the business model and the strategy followed by Caixa Ontinyent. The article reflects how this saving bank has made fully compatible the retail banking model and their strategic choices, keeping alignment with their mission, resources and shared values along the organization. The interdependencies between this strategic approach and the operating method are crucial: the parts of the model and the strategy are consistent and complementary, resulting in a “virtuous circle” that reinforces the model and makes it sustainable in the long term. The article points at the need to align business model and strategy to preserve competitive advantage, connect strategy formulation and implementation and provide a more dynamic view on organisational behaviour.

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