Estudio de fracciones en contextos sonoros

  1. Alexander Conde
  2. Sandra Parada
  3. Vicente Liern
Actualidades Investigativas en Educación

ISSN: 1409-4703

Any de publicació: 2016

Volum: 16

Número: 2

Tipus: Article


Altres publicacions en: Actualidades Investigativas en Educación

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible


Abstract: In this essay we highlight the cognitive links between mathematics and music, which can facilitate teaching and learning processes of fractions in school mathematics. The displayed activities come from a research that promotes sensory experiences in the rhythmic field to favor the construction of mathematical notions. These activities enable a harmonic gear between mathematics and music converging in time and sound as common objects of study between these disciplines. The analysis of the research reported here is the result of the implementation of activities in different teachers' training programs of Mexico and France, related to teaching and learning of mathematics in interdisciplinary contexts. This analysis was developed from three categories concerning the notions of relative unit, part-part relationship, and equipartition, which are fundamental notions for the study of fractions in school mathematics. We found that teaching with unifying approach requires not only specialized knowledge, but a change of beliefs about teachers' opinions on the organization of the curriculum, its teaching and the way in which students learn. A contribution of this experience is providing teachers theoretical and didactic elements for the study of fractions in interdisciplinary contexts.

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