Las actividades físico-deportivas en la Universitat de Valènciapercepción del alumnado con discapacidad
ISSN: 1578-2484
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 25
Pages: 59-72
Type: Article
More publications in: Actividad física y deporte: ciencia y profesión
Nowadays, there are many evidences about the physical, psychological and social benefits that physical activity brings to people with disabilities. However, in the University field, the participation of students with disabilities in sports activities is minor. The aim of this study was to explore the management of adapted physical activities at the University of Valencia (UV). Five students with disabilities who practice sports activities in the UV and two instructors of such activities has been in-depth interviewed. The results show that the UV does a good job regarding the care of people with disabilities and offers various physical and sports activities as well as financial aid for university students with disabilities. However, we also find that in the area of promotion of these activities, some issues could be improved. Some of the measures identified to improve the promotion of sport and physical activity are also discussed. The paper concludes by stating the need to continue efforts in order to improve the sports participation of university students with disabilities as well as to continue research in order to improve the management of these activities.