Estudios sobre comprensión y control de la comprensión en resolución de problemas académicos

  1. Carlos Gómez-Ferragud 1
  2. Vicente Sanjosé 2
  3. Joan Josep Solaz- Portolés 2
  1. 1 Florida Universitaria, España
  2. 2 Universidad de Valencia, España
Revista de enseñanza de la física

ISSN: 0326-7091 2250-6101

Any de publicació: 2016

Volum: 28

Número: 1

Pàgines: 21-35

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Revista de enseñanza de la física


This paper aims at summarizing in a cohesive way some research developed and focused on understanding word problems. Four empirical studies are described: The first study was devoted to the analysis of the initial steps in the transfer process, codifying and mapping. The second study added the relationship between the adequate construction of analogies and success in problem solving. The following study tried to go deep in cognitive difficulties appearing in solving-by-analogy processes. Finally, we explored students’ monitoring when they try to understand solved problems provided by teachers.

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