Tourism and fashionfactors affecting trip length

  1. Calderón García, Haydeé
  2. G. Gallarza, Martina
  3. Fayos Gardó, Teresa
  4. Osullivan, Pauline
Universia Business Review

ISSN: 1698-5117

Ano de publicación: 2016

Número: 51

Páxinas: 18-51

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Universia Business Review


Tourism and shopping are closely related, and the influence of fashion shopping on a tourist’s decision to travel is especially significant. The concept of cognitive and hedonic involvement enables us to relate the importance given to shopping by consumers of fashion products and of tourism services. This research analyses whether tourist involvement in fashion shopping has an impact on the length of their stay in a destination. In addition, it examines whether trip length is conditioned by traditional factors, such as demographic indicators (age, gender and income bracket), as well as by cognitive and affective involvement, and shopping motivations (service quality, product quality and shopping enjoyment). The empirical research carried out on a sample of 370 tourists has enabled us to draw interesting conclusions for destination managers and other tourism decision-makers, showing that involvement in fashion, shopping enjoyment, service quality, cognitive involvement in the choice of destination, age, and income significantly predict trip length.

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