Por qué es importante la lectura en braille y cómo estudiarla

  1. Ana Marcet
  2. María Jiménez
  3. Manuel Perea
Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación

ISSN: 1135-6405 1578-4118

Année de publication: 2016

Volumen: 28

Número: 4

Pages: 818-825

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1080/11356405.2016.1230295 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR

D'autres publications dans: Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación

Objectifs de Développement Durable


Despite its relevance in theoretical and practical terms, braille reading has received little attention from researchers. Awareness of the pros and cons of the different procedures used to examine braille reading is needed to facilitate the realization of systematic studies and to improve teaching methods in braille reading. This study provides a critical examination of braille reading methods and highlights key points for future studies on tactile reading.

Information sur le financement

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