La investigación en Ciencias Laborales como una nueva dimensión del alumnado universitario. Una experiencia innovadora
- Ricard Calvo Palomares 1
- Juan A. Rodríguez del Pino 1
- Raúl Lorente Campos 1
- Mª Amparo Benedito Monleón 1
- Santiago Cantarero Sanz 1
- Francisco J. Cano Montero 1
- Ignasi Lerma Montero 1
Universitat de València
ISSN: 1575-7048
Year of publication: 2015
Issue Title: Las relaciones laborales ante el reto de una economía social y solidaria
Issue: 32
Pages: 410-419
Type: Article
More publications in: Lan harremanak: Revista de relaciones laborales
Grade Teacher Labor Relations and Human Resources of the University of Valencia, was raised in the course 2013-2014, and since the degree of Bachelor had been extended from 3 years to 4 years the ability to encourage focused research by students was difficult to develop until this time. Therefore, through the development of the innovation project in the course "Media for the dissemination of research results in Labour Sciences", a website was created ( in which they collected the results thereof, a repository with existing media to disseminate research results in Labour Sciences. All this in order to improve the ability of graduates in RRLL and RRHH, to promote the dissemination of the results and findings obtained from investigations related to the Labour Sciences and more specifically developed in their final project work (TFG) and / or end of Masters (TFM). The following year, 2014-2015, in which we find ourselves, we have sought to take a small step with the "Constitution of a network of specific teaching innovation in Labour Sciences" between the universities of Valencia, Murcia and Huelva (with the intention to gradually extended to others), with the ultimate aim of establishing for next year, 2015-2016, an award that encourages national research in Labour Sciences by work by Undergraduates (TFG) and / or end Masters (TFM). Noting the complementarity and interaction between the Spanish Universities and understanding the fundamental idea of improving the ability to disclose scientific results and findings obtained by them during field research. In this text we made a compilation of the work and the results obtained so far.