VirtueA Necessary Component of Ethical Administration

  1. Joan Fontrodona-Felip
  2. Manuel Guillén-Parra
  3. Alfredo Rodríguez-Sedano
Educación y educadores

ISSN: 0123-1294

Year of publication: 2011

Volume: 14

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Educación y educadores


The objective is to offer a theoretical model to help conceptualize ethics and to clarify the characteristics and constraints of the different ethical theories. An integral ethical approach must include three dimensions: norms, good and virtue. It is argued that each of these dimensions stems from a comprehensive anthropology that deals with understanding human action. The article describes the principal aspects in terms of the pursuit of objectives, principles to be followed and virtues to be acquired. It concludes with a description of an experience in the application of this framework at two different universities in Spain: a Catholic inspired institution and a state university.

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