La eficacia de la wiki como herramienta de aprendizaje colaborativo para aprender Política Económica Internacional

  1. de Arriba Bueno, Raúl 1
  2. García Sanchís, Maria Cruz 2
  1. 1 Universitat de València

    Universitat de València

    Valencia, España


  2. 2 CIPFP Mislata
Digital Education Review

ISSN: 2013-9144

Année de publication: 2014

Número: 26

Pages: 24-38

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Digital Education Review


According to our experience as teachers of economic policy using different educational tools, we consider convenient to review the teaching methods in order to overcome the teaching-learning scheme that overvalues rote teaching ability. The aim is to find formulas where students become active protagonist of the learning process and facilitate the development of analytical skills. With this objective we have introduced web 2.0 in the classroom to facilitate the collaborative learning in an economic policy course. This paper analyses the results of a didactic methodology based on a combination of collaborative learning and project-based learning using the wiki. According to the students’ opinions we can concluded that the Wiki is a tool that facilitates the process of collaborative learning and self-management working, promotes self-learning ability and is an useful pedagogical platform for presenting argued ideas. Additionally, the use of the wiki allows monitoring and evaluation of individual contributions within a group work by the teacher.

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