¿!Hispano y Blanco?!:Racialización1 de la identidad latina en YouTube
- Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich
- Patricia Bou-Franch
ISSN: 1887-4606
Año de publicación: 2014
Título del ejemplar: Discurso e identidad en el ciberespacio hispano
Volumen: 8
Número: 3
Páginas: 427-461
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Discurso & Sociedad
By focusing on the infamous Zimmerman case, this paper analyzes the construction of the Latino identity. The Latino identity was added to the census by the Nixon administration in the 1970s using the homogenizing label ‘Hispanic’. Although the Office of the Census clearly explains that Latinos are an ethnic group and not a racial one, the Latino identity has undergone a process of discursive racialization since its inception that experienced a recent peak when some media referred to Zimmerman as a “White Hispanic”. Many saw the use of this label as a strategy to keep the focus on whites’ historical violence against blacks. Specifically, our analysis seeks to unveil how social actors co-construct, ratify, or challenge this institutionally imposed identity at the micro-political level afforded by local interaction. To that end, we analyzed citizens’ reactions to the Zimmerman case on cyberspace by applying, among others, Bucholtz and Hall’s (2005) framework for the discursive construction of identity. Our data comprise comments posted on YouTube in response to videos that focus on Zimmerman’s being referred to as a ‘White Hispanic”. YouTube lends itself well to the analysis of the Latino identity as it offers a deindividuated environment which triggers the saliency of social identity. Results strongly indicate that the confusion regarding the racial dimension of the Latino identity found at the institutional, macro-level is (re)constructed at the micro-level of social interaction.
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