Victimización en la escuelarelación de la crianza y variables funcionales-disfuncionales del desarrollo

  1. Samper García, Paula
  2. Mestre Escrivá, María Vicenta
  3. Malonda Vidal, Elisabeth
  4. Mesurado, Belén
Anales de psicología

ISSN: 0212-9728 1695-2294

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 31

Issue: 3

Pages: 849-858

Type: Article


More publications in: Anales de psicología


This study has the aim to analyze the different role of parental styles (affect and communication versus control), of functional develop-mental variables (empathy and adaptative coping styles) and dysfunctional variables (emotional instability and inefficient coping styles) in school vic-timization, or conversely with peer attachment. Participants were 418 Spanish adolescents, 224 girls and 194 boys, aged between 13 - 14 years old and attending year 7 and year 8 of secondary school. Structural equation modeling was carried out using the EQS program. Results shows that parenting styles of affect and communication versus negative control are both directly related to functional and dysfunctional developmental variables. Negative control is also directly related to the school victimization. Also, functional variables are directly related to the school victimization and peer attachment, while dysfunctional variables on-ly are related to school victimization. Finally, results and their possible im-plications are discussed

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