Fidedignidade da versão brasileira do Sistema SOCIII para análise da interação mãe-criança

  1. Patrícia Alvarenga
  2. Maria Ángeles Cerezo
Avaliaçao Psicologica: Interamerican Journal of Psychological Assessment

ISSN: 2175-3431 1677-0471

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 13

Issue: 1

Pages: 47-56

Type: Article

More publications in: Avaliaçao Psicologica: Interamerican Journal of Psychological Assessment


The aim of this study was to analyze the reliability of the Brazilian version of the Standardized Observation Codes – SOCIII system for analysis of mother-child interaction in a free play context. This system allows the sequential coding of real-time interaction. The study was based on the analysis of eight episodes of free interaction with 48 months old children. Two independent observers coded the initial six minutes of each episode. The overall Kappa value was 0.77, and the results for the specific behavioral categories revealed acceptable values. The discussion highlights problems that can arise in obtaining satisfactory levels of reliability in some categories of child behavior and solutions that can be adopted during training to avoid such problems.

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