La investigación biomédica sobre abuso de sustancias a través de la base de datos Medline (2006-2010)

  1. González Alcaide, Gregorio
  2. Fernandes, Luis
  3. Pinto, Marta
  4. Agulló Calatayud, Víctor
Revista española de drogodependencias

ISSN: 0213-7615

Year of publication: 2015

Issue: 1

Pages: 29-45

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista española de drogodependencias


Substance abuse is one of the main social and public health problems worldwide. This study analyzes scientific research on substance-related disorders generated throughout the 2006-2010 period and its social implications. Scientific papers from Medline database involving the main substances abused (alcohol, tobacco, cocaine, opioids, marijuana and amphetamine) were taken into account. A database was constructed by processing bibliographic information of retrieved items. A quantitative analysis of the MeSH terms assigned to the documents was carried out by classifying the following topics: qualifiers, diseases, gender, age related terms, countries and generalized MeSH. 52,175 documents were identified. 55.18% of these are related to tobacco use disorders; 38.63% to alcohol-related disorders; 6.45% to opioid-related disorders; 4.1% to cocainerelated disorders; 2.64% to marijuana abuse and 1.84% to amphetamine-related disorders. Epidemiology and psychology are the main generalized terms assigned to the documents. It should be stressed that the research focus has shifted from pharmacological aspects and treatment in the past decades, to influence the prevention, identification of adverse effects and risk factors. Pregnancy disorders and prenatal exposure to substance use, public health (tobacco and alcohol) and substance abuse detection (opioids, cocaine, marijuana and amphetamines) are other research areas to be stressed.

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