Las profesionales del sexo en la comedia griega del siglo IV a. c.

  1. Sanchis Llopis, Jordi
Asparkia: Investigació feminista

ISSN: 1132-8231

Année de publication: 2014

Titre de la publication: Mujeres en la sociedad greco-romana. Discursos e imágenes

Número: 25

Pages: 48-67

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Asparkia: Investigació feminista


The world of the prostitutes, of different condition and fortune, and his relation with more or less famous or numerous clients, constitutes a productive vein of humour in the Greek comedy, specially in s. IVth B.C. The titles and preserved fragments offer us, in a frequently acrid humor, the artifices and ways of a legion of excluded women, between which only some of they enjoyed a privileged position. In the vituperation of the hetairai stands out the censorship of his insatiable greed. Nevertheless, the trade of the professionals of sex not only was socially acceptable but considered openly positive, while it was preserving the oîkos and was serving to masculine interests, as the comical texts reflect.

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