Una aproximación a la variación del óptimo de un problema lineal de variable entera bajo incertidumbre difusa en los recursos.

  1. Pérez García, Fátima
  2. Gómez Núñez, Trinidad
  3. Caballero Fernández, Rafael
  4. Liern Carrión, Vicente
Anales de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 2171-892X

Any de publicació: 2013

Número: 21

Tipus: Article

Altres publicacions en: Anales de ASEPUMA


When solving an integer linear programming model, the solution is determined initially, by the feasible set of the problem. Thus any change of this set may involve a change in the solution obtained. Therefore, all items that appear in the constraints of the problem should be well defined. However, in real problems, it is a complex task. Because of this, in this paper we analyze the variation resulting in the optimum point when resources change. For this, we use fuzzy analysis to include uncertainty in these parameters. So, first, we provide the theoretical model we propose and then exemplify it through a problem that allows us to analyze the preliminary potential of the proposed work.

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