Supervivencia, crecimiento e internacionalización en clusters industriales

  1. Puig Blanco, Francisco
  2. González Loureiro, Miguel
  3. Marques, Helena
Economía industrial

ISSN: 0422-2784

Year of publication: 2014

Issue Title: Conceptos aactuales en dirección estratégica

Issue: 391

Pages: 133-140

Type: Article

More publications in: Economía industrial


Following on population ecology, this study proposes that firm performance depends to a large extent on population � cluster � adjustment to environmental conditions. From that perspective, the study analyses comparatively the evolution dynamics of 3,295 new firms created in the 2002-10 period in the textile-footwear Spanish manufacturing sector. The results show that those firms created in high population density environments (clusters) are subject to higher mortality but also higher growth. Both effects are moderated by the firms� international strategy. These findings reveal that the �cluster effect� depends on the life cycle of domestic industry and on the international activity of the population (co-evolution)

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