Followers� agreeableness and extraversion and their loyalty towards authentic leadership

  1. Monzani, Lucas
  2. Ripoll Botella, Pilar
  3. Peiró Silla, José María

ISSN: 0214-9915

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 26

Issue: 1

Pages: 69-75

Type: Article

More publications in: Psicothema


Background: Effective leaders understand that loyal followers are the key for success. To win their loyalty, leaders usually build social exchange relationships with them, through a wide range of behaviours, such as honouring agreements or using open and transparent communication. However, the effect of these behaviours on their followers� loyalty can differ depending on followers� individual differences, especially in relational traits such as agreeableness and extraversion. Method: We explored the moderating role of followers� agreeableness and extraversion in the relationship between authentic leadership (using transactional leadership as reference group) and followers� loyalty. A two-wave experiment, where 224 participants with and without work experience were randomly assigned to either a transactional or authentic leadership style condition was conducted. Results: Our results show that followers in the authentic leadership condition had higher levels of loyalty toward their leader. Moreover, followers� agreeableness played a negative moderating role in this relationship whereas extraversion played a positive moderating role in it. Conclusions: Our results indicate that followers� characteristics influence the effect of situational factors on their attitudes, such as loyalty, providing support for the need of a more integrative approach to leadership, where followers need to be considered as active elements of this process ofinfluence.

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