Revisión sitemática y bioestratigrafía del género "Alueva Sdzuy", 1961 ( Ellipsocephalidae, Trilobita, Cámbrico)

  1. Dies Álvarez, María Eugenia
  2. Gozalo Gutiérrez, Rodolfo
  3. Liñán Guijarro, Eladio
Boletín geológico y minero

ISSN: 0366-0176

Argitalpen urtea: 2013

Alea: 124

Zenbakia: 4

Orrialdeak: 573-588

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Boletín geológico y minero


The genus Alueva Sdzuy, 1961 and its three species (Alueva undulata Sdzuy, 1961, Alanisia hastata Sdzuy, 1958, and Strenuaeva sampelayoi moratrix Sdzuy, 1958) are revised. All of the species were defined at the Murero site (Zaragoza province, Spain). Alueva venulosa Dean, 2005 is herein considered as a subjective junior synonym of Protolenus dimarginatus Geyer, 1990. The finding of Alueva hastata is also revised in the Iberian Chain, the Sierra de Córdoba, the Cantabrian Mountains (Spain) and it is problably present in the Taurus Mountains (Turkey). All these new data reveal that Alueva seems to be an endemic genus in the Mediterranean subprovince with a short biostratigraphical distribution: uppermost upper Bilbilian-lower Leonian in the chronostratigrafic scale established for the Spanish Cambrian (lower-middle Cambrian transition in a classic sense). The levels where this genus is found correlate with those belonging to the Series 2-3 boundary (ISCS).