Interacción TempranaEvaluación de la Fiabilidad del Sistema Observacional CITMI-R, Versión Inglesa

  1. Trenado Santarén, Rosa María
  2. Pons Salvador, Gemma
  3. Cerezo, María Angeles

ISSN: 1135-6855

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 19

Issue: 1

Pages: 31-43

Type: Article

More publications in: REMA


Observational methodology has been the strategy most commonly used to analyze family interactions, in particular, early parent-child interaction. The �Codificación de la Interacción Temprana Materno-Infantil- Revisado�, CITMI-R (�Early Mother-Child Interaction Coding System�; Trenado & Cerezo, 2007)� is an observational instrument for encoding the behavior of the caregiver and child, which provide micro-analytic measurements of dyadic interaction. This information is relevant for prevention and intervention in the area of infant mental health and the primary caregivers. The purpose of this study was to present the reliability of the measure obtained with the CITMI-R in its English version and the observer-training procedure of 20 hours. The group of 5 independent observers coded 16 episodes of mother/father-child free-play at 3, 5, 7, 9 and 12 months of infant�s age. The results show acceptable levels of reliability, assessed through both inter-observer agreement (Intraclass Correlation Coefficient, M=.84; SD=.02) and consistency with an independent criterion (Kappa, M=.77; SD=.02). Finally, the training procedure was shown to be effective in training reliable observers

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