Ni herois ni víctimes. Representació social del càncer i dels malalts de càncer

  1. Llinares Insa, Lucía I.
  2. Benedito Monleón, María Amparo
  3. Piqueras Espallargas, Ángela
Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia

ISSN: 1135-1268

Año de publicación: 2012

Volumen: 14

Número: 1

Páginas: 113-131

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Anuari de psicologia de la Societat Valenciana de Psicologia


The social representations of the oncologic patient provide the notions and the theories that make stable and effective the relations that it establishes with his environment. This process has repercussions in the stigmatization and categorization of the oncologic patients that often are seen and are seen to yes same as victims or as heroes. Nevertheless, in spite of the relevancy of the topic in the Social Psychology, there are small the studies that have worried for analyzing it. The present article takes as an object the analysis of the social representation of the cancer and of the oncologic patient in the Spanish population. For it uses free associations and opened questions realized to a sample of 200 subjects selected by means of opinion-based sampling. The obtained answers are analyzed from descriptive analyses and analysis of content. The results indicate us that there exists a social representation of the cancer and of the patient oncologic and that it departs from her it suffers variations depending on the belonging to certain categories or social groups. These social representations are commented in the results and are discussed from his repercussion in the conduct and in the confrontation of the disease.

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