Canon, autores clásicos y enseñanza del latín

  1. Grau Codina, Ferran
Minerva: Revista de filología clásica

ISSN: 0213-9634

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 25

Pages: 49-79

Type: Article

More publications in: Minerva: Revista de filología clásica


The concept of 'canon' relates to the classical concept linked to the teaching of grammar and rhetoric. This teaching is based on the knowledge of the authors, acquired through imitation and emulation. We study some aspects of that relationship in Quintilian, Juan LuisVives, Antonio Llull, Diego Saavedra Fajardo and Thomas S. Eliot. Through these authors the importance of so-called "vulgar Humanism" is considered, as part of the cultivation of the European languages that will break with its cultural unity based on the classical authors.

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