El consum recreatiu d'esteroides anabolitzants entre els joves valencians

  1. Agulló Calatayud, Víctor
  2. Aguilar Serrano, Julia
  3. Vidal Infer, Antonio
  4. Valderrama Zurián, Juan Carlos
  5. Aleixandre Benavent, Rafael
TS nova: trabajo social y servicios sociales

ISSN: 2171-6005

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 6

Pages: 19-34

Type: Article

More publications in: TS nova: trabajo social y servicios sociales


The present study tries to measure the phenomenon of recreational consumption of anabolic steroids amongst youngsters from the city of Valencia by means of the application of qualitative methodology conducted through interviews. The sample was composed by nineteen young men aged between 21 and 34 years, that were selected from fitness centers using the snowball sampling technique. Individuals under use and abuse of anabolic steroids present patterns of consumption similar to other substances of abuse: low risk perception, repeated use and dose increase, as well as the lack of information among them. Therefore, after transcending the sports field, the consumption of anabolic steroids should be studied like any other substance of abuse in order to be able to cope with specific ad hoc designed prevention campaigns in a proper way.