Valores noticiosos y discurso sobre la salud en tres diarios nacionales españoles

  1. Díaz Rojo, José Antonio
  2. Morant Marco, Ricard
  3. Westall Pixton, Debra
  4. Molina Martí, Xavier
Linred: Lingüística en la Red

ISSN: 1697-0780

Datum der Publikation: 2009

Nummer: 7

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Linred: Lingüística en la Red


This paper, framed by the discouse analysis, aims to analyze the news values in a sample of 224 journalistic texts on health published in El País, El Mundo and ABC from the 1 until February 16, 2008. The news values are the factors or properties that become a fact in news, i.e., the criteria used by the mass media with two purposes: to select what events of the reality are newsworthy and which are not, and to present journalistically the news. The values preferred by the analyzed newspapers are the polemic, the good news and the bad news. In the two most frequent values, it underlines the taste for the controversy and the conflict as form of presentation and description of the reality, as well as the positivist ideology of the science.