Umbral de rentabilidad multiproducto multiperiodo con incertidumbre en la demanda

  1. Navarro Miquel, Valentín
  2. Mocholi Arce, Manuel
Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA

ISSN: 1575-605X

Argitalpen urtea: 2012

Alea: 13

Zenbakia: 1

Orrialdeak: 97-105

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Rect@: Revista Electrónica de Comunicaciones y Trabajos de ASEPUMA


In this paper we provide a new approach to obtain the breakeven point for a multiproduct firm with demand uncertainty. The objective is to determine the smallest possible volume of sales necessary to cover the costs of producing the widest range of products, against the traditional approach that concentrates the solution in that or those products with higher profit margin. This approach allows for greater hedge against changes in demand, especially when it comes to new products with common production systems.

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