Quality tools and techniques, EFQM experience and strategy formation. Is there any relationship? The particular case of Spanish service firms
ISSN: 0121-5051
Year of publication: 2011
Volume: 21
Issue: 42
Pages: 25-40
Type: Article
More publications in: Innovar: revista de ciencias administrativas y sociales
The study of the application of quality tools and techniques has been broadly covered by the specialist literature. To a lesser extent, the literature has analysed the strategic capability of the EFQM model, that is, its capacity to facilitate integrative (rational and emergent) strategy formation processes. But, the study of how the application of this model may affect how firms apply quality tools and techniques remain unexplored. Taking this gap in the literature as a starting point, our research goal is threefold: first of all, we intend to study the relationship between the use of tools and techniques and the experience of a firm in the application of quality management and the EFQM Excellence Model; secondly, we have the intention of studying the extent to which quality tools and techniques may affect rationality and/or emergence in the strategy formation process; and thirdly, we try to analyse the effect of the experience in the use of the EFQM model on this relationship. We employed a quantitative research methodology to try to reach these goals. As a consequence, some interesting results have come up. As an example, the experience in the application of the EFQM model has a moderating effect on how companies use quality tools and techniques. Concretely, a great experience in the employment of this model make firms to apply quality tools and techniques in a more participative way combined with high levels of formalisation and planning. Also, some other conclusions and implications have been drawn up.