Probable nuevo texto celtibérico con Segobriga

  1. Ballester Gómez, Xaverio
  2. Turiel Ibáñez, Max

ISSN: 0213-2338 1989-9904

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 30

Pages: 117-126

Type: Article

DOI: 10.14198/LVCENTVM2011.30.04 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

More publications in: Lucentum


In this paper we present a new inscription written in Celtiberian with the old Celtiberian script. The object in question very likely comes from the village of Torrejoncillo del Rey (Cuenca), but our knowledge is limited to the photographs we present, since the piece is privately owned. If the inscription is not a fake and our reading of SEGoBiRIGeA is correct, the text would be very important, since it would help to fix definitely three other Celtiberian texts that would appear to contain the same word. Interestingly, the text would also help to explain several historical and archaeological questions concerning the Celtiberian world in the province of Cuenca.

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