Planificación y gobernanza del espacio litoral valenciano. Todavía lejos de una verdadera Gzic

  1. Farinós Dasí, Joaquín
  2. Cortés Tovar, María del Carmen
Cuadernos de geografía

ISSN: 0210-086X

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: Gobernanza territorial y urbana: hacia una gestión participada del territorio

Issue: 88

Pages: 121-150

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de geografía


While new territorial governance initiatives in coastal areas have recently been evolving and increasing their focus (Integrated Coastal Zone Management, Maritime Spatial Planning, Marine Policy), Valencian Autonomous Region coast still is managed not in a integrated but sectoral way instead. In this paper some experiences and practices across Valencian Autonomous Region are studied (some of them interesting for this purpose), to conclude coastal zones have not to lose strategic opportunity IZCM Protocol for the Mediterranean Sea offers.