Petrología, geoquímica y emplazamiento de diques de composición granodiorítica al sur del complejo plutónico de la Maladeta. (Zona Axial Pirenaica)

  1. García Bellés, J.
  2. Lago San José, Marceliano
  3. Arranz Yagüe, Enrique
  4. Valenzuela Ríos, José Ignacio

ISSN: 0213-683X

Année de publication: 1997

Número: 23

Pages: 59-62

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: Geogaceta


A set of granodioritic dykes, related to the main intrusive episode of the Maladeta Plutonic Complex, is studied. These dykes, that follow the main cleavage strike, cut across deformed Paleozoic country rocks. Their composition (mineralógicaI and geochemical) is calk-alkaline and their emplacement was controlled by the previous hercynlc structure and by a transtensive regime during their interval of emplacement