Mejora de las capacidades de "atención plena" y reducción de síntomas psicopatológicos con mindfulness

  1. Gil Martínez, José
  2. Barreto Martín, María Pilar
  3. Montoya Castilla, Inmaculada
Informació psicològica

ISSN: 0214-347X

Argitalpen urtea: 2010

Zenbakia: 98

Orrialdeak: 42-54

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Informació psicològica


Mindfulness is used more and more with better results in therapy cognitive-behavioral. In this work is carried out a pilot study to prove the improvement of the abilities of mindfulness after the participation in a psychological intervention program (8 sessions). It's shown to the individual to pay "full attention" in different moments of their lives, above all during meditation, yoga and stretching exercises. The intervention has been carried out in four groups of persons: those who want to learn meditation (N=21), university students (N=20), patients with different mental disorders (N=14) and sportsmen (N=9). Their cognitive and affective abilities of mindfulness, and their psychopathological symptoms had been evaluated in the patients¿ sample. In the end of the intervention it has been observed how significant differences had appeared, improving the cognitive and affective abilities of mindfulness and reducing the psychopathological symptoms, all this depending on the involvement of the individuals in the program.

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