Using wavelet to non-parametric graduation of mortalily rates

  1. Baeza Sampere, Ismael
  2. Morillas Jurado, Francisco G.
Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles

ISSN: 0534-3232

Year of publication: 2011

Issue: 17

Pages: 135-164

Type: Article

More publications in: Anales del Instituto de Actuarios Españoles


The graduation of some biometric functions of the life�s tables is a topic widely studied in actuarial science and used in actuarial practice. This paper proposes the use of a nonparametric technique. This technique has been used successfully in a variety of fields of knowledge. In particular, it proposes the use of wavelets for the graduation of the mortality rates. To do this to end, to determine whether the wavelets may or may not be used as an alternative to other techniques, it has resorted to numerical simulation techniques to increase the existing information about the phenomenon of mortality. To do this we used a standard biometric and built various synthetic experiences of mortality which has been applied two types of ranking non-parametric: kernel estimation and estimation by wavelets.

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