El registro estadístico de las rupturas de unión en Españaevaluación e ideas para avanzar desde la demografía

  1. Simó Noguera, Carles Xavier
  2. Solsona Pairó, Montserrat
Papers: revista de sociología

ISSN: 0210-2862 2013-9004

Year of publication: 2010

Issue Title: El desarrollo de la familia en España desde una perspectiva demográfica

Volume: 95

Issue: 3

Pages: 609-632

Type: Article

DOI: 10.5565/REV/PAPERS/V95N3.52 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDDD editor

More publications in: Papers: revista de sociología


In Spain, the formation of unions and the configuration of family units has undergone a spectacular change over the last few years; moreover the characteristics of that change have not always been visible to the eyes of the social researcher, because, amongst other reasons, of the absence of adequate data sources. In particular, the thorough �flexibilisation� of unions, which have become less permanent and much easier to constitute and dissolve, poses the problem of producing appropriate mechanisms of observation and measurement. As a consequence, studying the process of union rupture becomes ever more difficult. This article reviews existing statistical sources in Spain for the study of union rupture, in order to determine how far they cover the whole population affected and to highlight their deficiencies. It proposes some improvements for the statistical recording of this phenomenon in Spain, based on the experience of other European countries. Our interest in developing the study of union rupture in Spain, derives from questions raised in previous demographic studies of the determinants and consequences of divorce

Bibliographic References

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