Avión y otras volanderas notas arqueoibéricas

  1. Ballester Gómez, Xaverio
Real Académia de Cultura Valenciana: Sección de estudios ibéricos "D. Fletcher Valls". Estudios de lenguas y epigrafía antiguas - ELEA

ISSN: 1135-5026

Argitalpen urtea: 2009

Zenbakia: 9

Orrialdeak: 13-44

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Real Académia de Cultura Valenciana: Sección de estudios ibéricos "D. Fletcher Valls". Estudios de lenguas y epigrafía antiguas - ELEA


Collection of works about paleohispanic themes. First of all, there is a possible relation between gallic ASU and basque asto �donkey�. Afterward is mentioned the denomination with diminutives of river affluents. It is studied the case of iberic nasals sonantes, there would be a weak palatal n and other alveolar strong, but /m/ is unknowed. Callaeica or Gallaecia region name would have original G-. Iberic word eFiar would be too ekiar with r/g alternation. Durius river name would be originated by an iberic adaptation *dur[i]e of celt *dubr[i]a. Finally, it is exposed problems about sonantes groups of iberic sonant + d and it is postulating reductions mb > m, nd > n and rd > d. The unexpected case of iberic ildi pass to basque iri �town� is produced because a dialectal phenomenom by a gasconish *illi.