La agresividad auto y heteroevaluadavariables implicadas

  1. Samper García, Paula
  2. Aparici, G
  3. Mestre Escrivá, María Vicenta
Acción psicológica

ISSN: 1578-908X

Année de publication: 2006

Titre de la publication: La agresión en diferentes contextos

Volumen: 4

Número: 2

Pages: 155-168

Type: Article


D'autres publications dans: Acción psicológica


The infantile and juvenile aggressiveness is considered to be a complex phenomenon, with multiple factors that contribute to different aggressive manifestations. For all this, this phenomenon has been an object of many investigations, which have the aim to understand the basic mechanisms that cause and regulate these behaviors (Eron y Huesmann, 1984; Caprara y Pastorelli, 1989, 1993, 1996; Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, Pastorelli, y Regalia 2001; Caprara, Barbaranelli, Pastorelli, Bandura, y Zimbardo, 2001). This work tries to analyze the aggressive behavior and the implied processes. We have evaluated the emotional instability (IE, Caprara & Pastorelli, 1993; Del Barrio, Moreno & López, 2001), the physical and verbal aggressiveness (AFV, Caprara & Pastorelli, 1993; Del Barrio, et al., 2001), the anger like a state and trait (STAXI, Spielberger, 1988; Del Barrio, Spielberger & Moscoso, 1998), the emphaty (IECA, Bryant, 1982; Mestre, Pérez, Frías, & Samper, 1999): the prosocial reasoning (PROM, Carlo, Eisenberg & Knight, 1992; Mestre, Frías, Samper & Tur, 2002) and the child-rearing styles (CRPBI, Schaefer, 1965; Samper, Cortés, Mestre, Nácher & Tur, 2006), including the self and heteroinform behavior by the friends of college and the own tutor. The ANOVAS and the discriminating analyses show differences between the considered more or less stable subjects emotionally and aggressive. The main results indicate that the emotional instability and the anger are the variables with major power predictor of the aggressiveness in the teenagers, with a low capacity of self-control.

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