Breeding success of the goldfinch Carduelis carduelis in orange plantationsthe effect of predation and starvation
- Gil-Delgado Alberti, José Antonio
- Catalá, M. C.
- Barba Campos, Emilio
ISSN: 1130-6203, 1988-6624
Argitalpen urtea: 1991
Zenbakia: 13
Orrialdeak: 5-14
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos
Some aspects of the breeding ecology of the Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis were studied during fifteen years in eastern Spain. Density varied between 0-0.6 breeding pairs per 10 Ha. Egg laying usually lasted from early March to early July. The average number of nesting attempts per pair was 3.1. (range 2-4), and no more than three successful clutches per pair were detected. The mean clutch size was 4.0 eggs in February-March, 4.5 during April-May, and 3.8 during June-July, the difference between the last two periods being significant. The eggs were incubated an average of 13.3 days, and the nestlings remained in the nests a mean of 13.9 days. Breeding success decreased significantly during the season from 80% in February- March to 19% in June-July. No nestling starved during February-March but one third of the nestlings starved during the last two periods. Predation was highest during June-July. Each pair laying 3-4 clutches fledged an average of 6.7 (range 0-10) young per year and 59% of all nests produced at least one fledgling. Laying dates and clutch size of the Goldfinch at Sagunto fitted the general trends of starting breeding earlier and laying smaller clutches as the latitude decreases. However, the seasonal pattern of nesting failure was opposite to that described in other habitats. Probable causes are discussed.
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