Aves nidificantes en huecos de los naranjos
ISSN: 1130-6203, 1988-6624
Year of publication: 1987
Issue: 9
Pages: 29-40
Type: Article
More publications in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Biológicos
Parus major and Jyns torquilla breed in natural holes in orange groves. P. major has a density of 5-8 pairs/10 ha. and J. torquilla has a density of 0.6-1.2 pairs/10 ha. Clutch-size of Great Tit is 6.4 eggs (n= 10). There are some Great Tit pairs which do not bred, although these pairs keep a territory throughout the breeding season. The breeding success is similar to open-nesting species, so nesting in orange tree-holes has not advantage for this species. Predations is the most important cause of nest mortality. "Quality" of tree-holes must be important in nest survival. Mortality after leaving the nest must be low to keep a stable population.
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