Huellas de dinosaurios conservadas en materiales del cortejo transgresivo en cauces encajados. Jurásico superior y Cretácico inferior de Alpuente, Valencia

  1. Santisteban Bové, Carlos de
  2. Vila Ginesti, Bernat
  3. Suñer Fuster, María Teresa

ISSN: 0213-683X

Año de publicación: 2007

Número: 42

Páginas: 79-82

Tipo: Artículo

Otras publicaciones en: Geogaceta


The upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous deposits of the Southwestern Iberian Basin at Alpuente (Valencia) contain abundant remains of dinosaurs, including several localities with footprints. In this area deltaic sediments deposited in fluvial, estuarine, beach and shallow-marine environments, controlled by eustatic sea-level changes outcrop extensively. In spite of the fluvial deposits dominance, most of dinosaur footprints sites found here are placed in beach sandstones. Beach sandstones were deposited in the basin during the low sea-level stand and transgressions. The study of four new ichnological sites shows that the footprints are preferently preserved in those beach deposits that built up the transgressive system tract, as the infill of incised valleys.