Nuevos datos sobre las helmintofaunas parásitas de micromamíferos en las islas Pitiusas. II, Platelmintos. III, Estado actual de conocimientos
ISSN: 0212-260X
Year of publication: 1983
Issue: 27
Pages: 181-194
Type: Article
More publications in: Bolletí de la Societat d'Història Natural de les Balears
A series of new data, in different aspects, on the Plathelminths (Trematoda Digenea and Cestoda) parasitizing Insectivores and Rodents on the Pityusic Islands is given: findings of helminth species new for some islands (Zonorchis sp., Hydatigera taeniaeformis larvae and Mesocestoides sp. larvae on Formentera); first data for the island of Espalmador (Hymenolepis diminuta parasitizing Rattus rattus); and modification of previous determinations (Brachylaima spp.). Finally, a teview of the today knowledge on the helminthfauna of small mammals on the islands of Ibiza, Formentera and Espalmador is made.