Presos de prisala aceleración lingüística

  1. Verdejo María, M. Àngels
  2. Morant Marco, Ricard
Linred: Lingüística en la Red

ISSN: 1697-0780

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 2

Type: Article

More publications in: Linred: Lingüística en la Red


Our target in this article is to propose a reflection about time from present language.We are socially and linguistically prisioners by time, we live guided and subject to time-tables and dates that we think necessary in the wellbeing fiction. Social and personal acceleration's time markers have become omnipresent and language adopts and generates them loyal to its function and, apparently, as the saying goes there is a time to each thing and each thing in its time. In this association mass media place us temporally and spacely, they remember us constantly and untirelessly the date we are, the moment of the day, the exact hour and our expressions reflect, doubtless, this obsession.