Estimation of an extended sam with household production for Spain 1995

  1. Moltó Carbonell, María Luisa
  2. Ferri Carreres, Javier
  3. Uriel Jiménez, Ezequiel
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie EC - (Instituto Valenciano de Investigaciones Económicas)

Année de publication: 2005

Número: 8

Type: Working Paper


This paper implements the conceptual framework sketched by Pyatt (1990) to construct an extended Social Accounting Matrix for Spain in 1995 (ESAM-95) to consider, in addition to the market economy, the production of services provided by households through unpaid work. In doing so, the ESAM-95 integrates the accounts related to market activities (ESA accounts) with non-market activities (non-ESA accounts) in a consistent way. Additional classifications are introduced in both ESA and non-ESA accounts in order to disaggregate the institutional accounts by household type and those of production factors by educational level and gender. The extended SAM is useful to calibrate CGE models in which the distribution of time between paid and unpaid work is a relevant variable.