Una experiencia de aprendizaje para madres y padres de alumnos inmigrantes

  1. Belda Ibáñez, José Francisco
  2. Pérez Cosín, José Vicente
  3. Bueno Abad, José Ramón
Portularia: Revista de Trabajo Social

ISSN: 1578-0236

Year of publication: 2004

Issue Title: ¿Es posible otro mundo? V Congresos de Escuelas de Trabajo Social

Volume: 4

Pages: 161-170

Type: Article

More publications in: Portularia: Revista de Trabajo Social


The foreign immigration phenomena is a recent fact in the Spanish State. The presence of foreign immigrant residents – regular or irregular – has vertiginously incremented fundamentally during the last decade of the 20 th Century throughout the whole country. According to the Department of Interior data, these were 360.655 foreigners in 1991, and the number ascended in 2001 to 1.200.000 foreign residents. Population movement is presented as a property of 21 st century society, therefore the social integration of foreign immigrants has become one of the main challenges for the present society. Attending to the complexity of the Phenomena and to the need to respond to de social problems that it entails, an investigation process has been launched, integrated in the Regionet Integra European Program, whose objective is to design a formation itinerary program for parents of immigrant students which allows the students’ educative integration and simultaneously promotes the social integration of their parents by means of participation in the educative system. For the development of this we will use qualitative and qualitative methodologies complementarily, as well as the analysis of secondary information sources. The present communicate shows the basic situation data and the methodological proposals to allow the participation and integration of foreign immigrants in the scholastic institution.