Nash equilibria in a model of multiproduct price competitionan assignment problem

  1. Arribas Fernández, Iván
  2. Urbano Salvador, Amparo
Working papers = Documentos de trabajo: Serie AD

Datum der Publikation: 2003

Nummer: 21

Art: Arbeitsdokument


We study the market interaction of a finite number of single-product firms and a representative buyer, where the buyer consumes bundles of these goods. The buyers' value function determines their willingness to pay for subsets of goods. We show that subgame perfect Nash-equilibrium outcomes are solutions of the linear relaxation of an integer programming assignment problem and that they always exits. The (subgame perfect) Nash-equilibrium price set is characterized by the Pareto frontier of the associated dual problem's projection on the firms' price vectors. We identify the Nash-equilibrium prices for monotonic buyers' value functions and, more importantly, we show that some central solution concepts in cooperative game theory are (subgame perfect) equilibrium prices of our strategic game.