Efectos del programa de desinflación competitiva en España sobre el tipo de cambio real

  1. Tamarit Escalona, Cecilio
  2. Camarero Olivas, María Amparo
  3. Esteve, Vicente
Revista de análisis económico

ISSN: 0716-5927 0718-8870

Datum der Publikation: 1999

Ausgabe: 14

Nummer: 2

Seiten: 23-44

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Revista de análisis económico


In this paper we enquire about the link among Spanish real effective exchange rate relative to the EU, The terms of trade and the real interest rate differential over the period 1980-1994. This period is of interest to the Spanish economy due to the fact the monetary authorities were applying the so-called "competitive disinflation" strategy in the European Monetary System. The analysis draws on Meese and Rogoff (1998), using the terms of trade as an explanatory variable for the long-run performance of the real exchange rate. The empirical results shows that the interest rate differential, representing the demand side factors, has been the relevant one in explaining the real exchange rate behavior, while the terms of trade have been of a minor importance. This fact could be due to the tight monetary policy undertaken during this decade as a part of a disinflationary program as wells as to the important changes occured to the financing of the public sector.