Integración vertical, cooperación interempresarial y resultadosel efecto contingente de la coordinación implícita en un distrito industrial

  1. Guía Julve, Jaume
  2. Camisón Zornoza, César
Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa

ISSN: 1138-5758

Year of publication: 2001

Issue: 8

Pages: 51-76

Type: Article

More publications in: Cuadernos de economía y dirección de la empresa


The paper shows that comparative analysis of the efficiency of vertical integration versus externalization, taken as a dichotomous choice, poses insurmountable problems due to the moderating effect of intermediate forms of organization, like the case of industrial districts. The comparative efficiency of any form of organization can be seen as a problem of co-ordination. In order to explain the efficiency of different types of coordination, we build a conceptual model in which the core elements are: the degree of tightness of the co-ordination mechanisms adopted to integrate the interdependent activities; and the specific or generic character of the competences associated to those activities. In an industry in which the underlying specific and generic competences are balanced, the paper verifies a quadratic functional relationship between the degree of co-operative integration and performance, in which, intermediate levels of integration are associated to higher performance. That is. those firms which balance the competitive externalization of activities associated to generic competences, with a tight co-ordination (internal or external) of activities associated to potentially distinctive competences, obtain the highest levels of performance. Additionally, the re- suits point out the contingency of the efficiency of vertical integration on the co-ordination of external activities. An optimal degree of vertical integration cannot he worked out without taking into account the type of configuration of the external activities within the value system. Therefore, because of the implicit degree of inter-firm co-operative integration within an industrial district, the optimal level of vertical integration in fans within the industrial district must he lower than in firms external to the district